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If you are interested in our products, or have any ideas, please feel free to contact us

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The company is headquartered in Xiamen, with branches and warehouses in Singapore and Hong Kong.


Q: Your after-sales service

We provide one year warranty. Product is tested before shipping. If we make an error, we pay for shipping.

Q: Can you ship using our express account?

Yes, we can.

Q: Can you help us send the product to the freight forwarder's warehouse? And help them declare customs?

Yes, we can.

Q: What payment methods do you have?

Can use T/T, PayPal, bank transfer, Alipay, etc. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Q: Can you support door-to-door inspection?

Yes we can. But need to book in advance.

Q: Can you pack the goods according to our special requirements?

Yes we can. Contact us before shipment.

Q: Can you provide agent certificate?

No. We are traders. I sell stock. We are not agents.

Q: Do you have the goods?

You can send me the model number and I will make a quick query for you. E-mail:   whatapp:  +86 133 4838 9590 

JUSTWELL PTE. LTD Sales of industrial automation spare parts. This website is not sanctioned or approved by any manufacturer or tradename listed. DCS Center is not an authorized distributor or representative for the listed manufacturers. Designated trademarks, brand names and brands appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.
